Jeffrey Epstein's Corpse: Is it him?
The first nose is "Dead Jeffrey", the following two are "Alive Jeffrey". When I'm trying to tell clones and lookalikes apart, first I try to find extremities that absolutely are not the same. In this case I cannot beyond a shadow of a doubt say the dead Jeffrey nose isn't him. Its hard to find three images of exactly the same angle. But in this case I can envision all three noses being the nose of Jeffrey. There is nothing distinctive I see that unequivocally rules out all three noses are not the same guy.
The left ear is Jeffrey's Dead Ear and the right is his Alive Ear. I notice the dead ear is misshaped from a neck brace pushing it up. When I envision the dead ear relaxed, it becomes very similar to the alive ear. If Jeffrey hung himself, it would explain how the dead ear's parts seem swollen...yeah swollen with blood from hanging himself. Also both hair lines are very similar. My vote is the ears compare and cannot rule out that these are the not the same ear.